Sheets Made In the USA

sheets made in the usa


Where To Buy Sheets Made In the USA

After the research that I recently did on Laundry Sheets, it shouldn’t be surprising to me, and yet I was shocked by the number of brands that showed up in the search results for bedding made in the USA. I was surprised because most of them were NOT made in the US at all. 

It was especially interesting to learn that some companies in Google’s top results had zero products that were made in the US. In fact, there were even some that took me to pages where the product said “Made in India” (See above). 


sheets made in the usa

Sheets Made in the USA

When you want to buy something that is truly made in America, you don’t want to have to read the fine print to make sure it is. That’s why I’ve researched and compiled below a list of sheet companies whose products are 100% made in the USA. Another plus is that most of them even use cotton that is grown in the USA. 

So because Google’s search isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, here is the list of sheets and bedding made in the USA.

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*Please note that the companies shown above were made in the USA at the time this article was written. All companies are subject to change. Be sure to double-check where their products are made before ordering from them.
Article Name
Sheets Made in the USA
We've compiled a list of sheets made in the USA.
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SuperSuds Laundromat
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