5 Laundromat Tips for College Students
With these five laundromat tips for college, you’ll be in and out while everyone else is just getting started.
1 – Sort Before You Go
Sorting your laundry in your room will save you loads of unwanted laundromat time. Plus, by sorting first, you will have more freedom to check for stains. If you only have one laundry bag, sort in the order that you want to wash them, and put them back into the bag in layers.
2 – Pre-treat Before You Leave
As you sort the laundry, pre-treat any stains with a quality pre-treater like Shout. By pre-treating first, it gives the treatment time to work. Then when you get to the laundromat you can just wash and go.
Remember to treat the underarms of shirts. They may not appear too bad, but sweat can leave a lasting yellow stain once it is dried.
3 – Wash In Fewer Loads
If your fabric and colors are all similar, you can wash everything in one large load. This will get you in and out of the laundromat super fast! Remember, always toss your laundry bag in with the load so that you have a clean way to carry your freshly washed laundry.
4 – Hang Dry If Needed
Claim a cart with a hanging rack, and bring some hangers along.
Then, as you pull items out of the dryer hang everything that needs to hang dry. This will start the drying process early, and keep you from having to re-sort items as you put them into the dryer. Keep. an eye on your laundry cart though. Never leave laundry unattended. If it disappears, it may be gone forever.
5 – Fold In the Dorm
Don’t waste precious time at the laundromat on a Saturday afternoon. Fold the items that will wrinkle the worst like bed sheets, shirts, pants, skirts etc…. Then, put all your socks, cloths, towels and underwear into the laundry bag and fold it back in your room. This will greatly reduce laundromat time.
Just remember to fold the items right away or they will be wrinkled.
That’s it you now have five easy ways to save time at the college laundromat! We promise you’ll thank us some day.
Remember, if you want to save a lot of time, drop off your laundry at a nearby SuperSuds Laundromat and let us do it for you!